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About us
Downer is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and employs more than 31,000 people.
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Downer is a leading provider of integrated services in Australia and New Zealand.
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Downer has over 300 sites across Australia and New Zealand with our head office based in Sydney.
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Downer is the largest integrated facilities management service provider in Australia and New Zealand.
Our customers depend on us to provide essential services for their businesses across a diverse range of industries.
We deliver more than 100 integrated facilities services for customers across government, education, healthcare and aged care.
We have a diverse workforce of highly trained professionals delivering services across the spectrum, from frontline soft services in high-risk settings to high-end hospitality services in iconic venues to mechanical HVAC and construction services for government to security services for events, airports and hospitals.
Key capabilities:
- Asset maintenance and management
- Cleaning
- Facilities management
- Security and electronic solutions
Proven long-term partner
With 16 Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects across the healthcare, education and leisure sectors, we are known for our customer focus, the quality of our service delivery and professionalism of our people.
We provide property and facilities management services for government departments, agencies and authorities at the federal, state and municipal level. Our streamlined approach to asset management systems works to move maintenance from ‘reactive’ to ‘planned’ spends. This allows our customers to better understand the costs of upkeep and extend the life of their assets – and significantly lowers long-term maintenance costs.
Health and education
The Health and Education team delivers facility management services to hospitals, aged care facilities, primary/secondary/special needs schools, student accommodation and tertiary educational facilities in capital cities and regional centres across Australia.
These facility management services include: catering services, cleaning, portering, patient support, security services, grounds and gardens maintenance, car parking, and whole-of-life asset management services.
With a 40-year history in these sectors operating as Spotless, our focus is to deliver operational excellence, investing in systems and applying innovative technologies that provide value for our customers including comprehensive data inventory systems and real time location services.
Sustainability is a key feature of asset maintenance with a focus on energy efficient solutions as well as water conservation and monitoring services for grounds and garden maintenance.
We offer innovative solutions for workplaces and manufacturing facilities to help them run well. Spotless manages solutions for employee wellbeing, workplace efficiency and sustainable facility management.
Key customers include Coca-Cola Amatil (hard and soft facilities maintenance) and Bluescope Steel (integrated services including facilities management and cleaning).